posted at7:16 AM by kim
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

1. Why mixed race couple? 

The reason the producer chose a mixed race couple for this advertisement was that he wanted to show how race, religion or culture did not matter in couples loving each other and staying with each other till an old age. 

2. Why focus on bad traits? 

I think the producer focused on bad traits to show that nothing would waver a couple's love if it were true love. Not even bad traits like snoring loudly or farting every morning would change the love between two people. It goes to prove that these small imperfections between two people matters to each other and makes their love perfect.

3. Is it effective to promote family values? 

I think that it is very effective to promote family values. The way the lady in the video spoke about her husband that passed away can definitely touch people and make them understand the importance of their families and learn to cherish and love their family members more. This unique advertisement taught me that sometimes, imperfections might not always be imperfect, and we should really start cherishing everyone around us.
posted at4:58 AM by kim
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My favourite character is Yoon Kaehwa (Chae Rim) in Oh! My Lady, a korean drama. In this show, she is a housewife, working and trying to earn as much money as possible ti regain custody of her child from her ex-husband. Later, she became a manager of  Sung Minwoo (Choi Siwon) , a famous actor in the show, and helped to take care of his unexpected child of six years old. She was despised by many people in her life, but she had never given up once, and instead she continued staying strong and standing upright, believing that she would be better and change the mindset of the others who despised her one day. I admire her perserverance, and her ability to stay strong and cheerful. I also like the way she cares for Minwoo's child like hers, treating her with care and showering her with the love she has for her own child. Lastly, I like the way she stands up for herself and the way she fights for what she deserves. It is different from me because I am not as strong as her. I doubt her fighting spirit can be compared to anybody else. Therefore, she is one of the characters I like most in this Korean Drama.
posted at6:42 AM by kim
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

This blog post will be about my group's Romeo and Juliet performance.

My group consists of 11 people, who are very coorperative with the meetups and character distribution. I am Capulet in this play, which means that I am cross-dressing. Honestly, I find that our group members are responsible as most of them have already finished memorizing their lines, tried their best to act well and be in character.

We started working on the props and costumes during the June holidays, having meetups often at different venues to do different things. All of the group members have coorperated well, and contributed a lot for this Romeo and Juliet play, putting in a lot of effort and trying to come for every single meet up to make sure that it is fair so that everyone can put in ideas on how to improvise.

We have done a dry run in class already, and next week we would be doing a full-dress rehearsal in the Music Room with the piano. Hopefully my group would be able to make good use of the chance to do the best we can and get ourselves ready for the actual performance. Hopefully we would score a high grade as we really put a lot of effort in.
posted at6:13 AM by kim

In these few lessons for literature, we learnt about Unseen Poetry,, like literary devices, which urges us to continue reading on. I find it a bit hard to understand, however better to read as it tells us every single detail of something they are elaborating on very specifically. To me, I find learning unseen poetry is a bit hard as it can be tough to understand what the author is trying to say at times, because my vocabulary isn't very strong, and a word can mean many different meanings. However though, I enjoy reading Unseen Poetry. It's cool. 
posted at1:04 AM by kim
Monday, March 7, 2011

Summary for Macbeth.


Three withes met Macbeth upon the heath after the war Macbeth was involved in. They met with Macbeth and his soldier called Banquo, that Macbeth and the kids of Banquo would one day be king. Then the three witches vanish and both Macbeth and Banquo were shocked. Macbeth became crazy about being king and starts killing people to quickly help him become king. He started with killing King Duncan as his wife urges him to do so.

Act1Scene2: King Duncan and his fellow attendants met a bleeding captain and heard from him that there was a battle. Malcolm recognised him and said that this sergeant had saved his life. The captain said that the battle was doubtful as both Macbeth and Macdonwald fought furiously and bravely. However, in the end, Macbeth managed to win the war and killed Macdonwald, and hanged his head on their castle walls. Then a second battle arises by the Norweyan king, rising the anger in Macbeth and the Norwegians lost. Ross appears and tells what had happened. Norway and Thane of Cawdor met with Macbeth and lost. The Norwegian king had to pay ten thousand dollars.

Favourite Character.

My favourite character would be the three witches as from the videos that Ms Maly had shared, they were kind of funny. It would be fun acting as them with my group members. I like the way they talked to Macbeth and vanished, that would be fascinating if I had seen what had actually happened.

What I have learnt.

Patience. I have learnt patience from Macbeth. Because of his impatience, he killed person by person just because of his greed to become king. He should have let nature take its course, because he would not have been killed if he had waited to be king.

I also have learnt that we should not easily trust others. I feel that if I were Macbeth, I would not have fully trusted what the three witches had said. I would not know if they were real witches, if they were just passers-by who want to play a prank on me and try to see if I am gullible enough to believe in what they said. I feel that we should not be too greedy as well, because retribution will fall on you, since what goes around, comes around.
posted at3:00 AM by kim
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This week Ms Malyanah went through and kind of summarized the whole original text of Act 1 Scene 2. I wasn't able to understand the original text until Ms Malyanah went through the text with us, otherwise I would have to refer to the modern text at the side.

Ms malyanah assigned us a homework of drawing our comic strip of Act 1 Scene 2, about Macbeth. I understand Macbeth, but I think it's really tough having us to draw out the comic strip because I can't draw properly, the best things i can draw are stickmen. Despite that, I will try my best to draw my comic strip by tomorrow. (: 
posted at1:10 AM by kim
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Question: Has there ever been a time in your life when someone told you that something impropable would happen and it did? Did the fact that the event was "predicted" cause you to behave differently that you would have otherwise and make it more likely for the event to occur? Or did the event simple seem to occur without any audience from you?

No, there hasn't been once that someone told me something would happen and it did. But if one day somebody comes along and tells me that, I guess I would feel shocked. I would ask that person how he/she knew that and why they said that. But of course, if someday this happens, I would want to hear that something good is going to happen and I will wait for it to take place on its own, instead of doing stupid things like Macbeth. 

Fiona, 13, 2 Respect (07). I need to love Literature more.
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